Saturday, May 7, 2011

† Interview #1 †

What's the origin of Christianity?
Jesus the Christ, Son of God (Mt. 16:16-20) begun first Pentecost after His ascension (Acts 1 &2)

Why do you follow this religion?
"many proofs" He was raised from the dead (Acts 1:3); matches exactly ancient prophecies God gave O.T. writers (e.g. Isa.53; Dt. 18:18; Micah 5:2; Ps. 22; Daniel 2, etc); exhibited power to raise the dead and give instant healing, sight to blind that His foes admitted were genuine after careful inquiry (Jn. 9; Jn. 11:39-47; etc.)

What makes you believe in god?
The existence of God is a self-evident truth clearly seen through the created things God made (Ro. 1:20-23)

How does the conflict in Jerusalem make you feel?
Same as any other "conflict" where humans exhibit base behavior.

How do you spread Christianity?
How do you teach Christianity to others? "Preach the word" (2 Tim. 4:2)

Is there anything you don't believe about Christianity?
"Christianity" correctly defined means a follower of Jesus; He was sinless (Heb. 4:15; Jn. 8:46); groups appropriating the name "Christian" while acting like the devil are not an expression of "Christianity." The Original Jesus and His Church must be distinguished from frauds.

How does Christianity guide people through life?
By following the "Good Shepherd" who offers "abundant" life. (Jn. 10:8-15)

How did you become the leader of the church?
Jesus is the "head of the church." (Eph. 1:22). No other holds that position.

What are the major differences or similarities between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam?
Judaism law of the O.T. was a pedagogue slave assigned to monitor juveniles (Gal. 3:23-27). Jewish scripture foretold the coming of the superior "new covenant" (Jer. 31:31), Christianity. Islam came from a plagiarist who corrupted and maliciously padded pieces of scripture heralding himself a prophet yet bearing no credible credentials -similar to efforts of the Western Mohammed, Joseph Smith, Jr.

What does god look like?
"God is spirit." (Jn. 4:24). A "spirit has not flesh and bones" Lk. 24:39. Since He is not a physical creature but the self-existent eternal being, He is unique.

What do parts church symbolize? (example: the paintings in church, the window pictures symbolize?)
The church is the believers, the people of Christ, not a material building. The believers themselves are the "temple." (1 Cor. 3:16-17) So, paintings, windows, organs, pews, steeples, etc. did not exist in the original church (which often gathered at a Christian's house (Ro. 16:3-5).

What are the differences between men and women in Christianity?
Though of equal worth as heirs of salvation (Gal. 3:27-29) different genders serve in differing roles (1 Tim. 2 & 3).

What if someone wants to quit Christianity, what will you do?
Recognize it. (2 John 9-11)

What if someone wants to follow Christianity, what will you do?
Tell them the "good news" the original gospel of Jesus Christ including "examining the scriptures" to insure their trust is founded on the truth of God's word (Acts 17:11; Acts 16:32, etc.)

What's the best way of being the leader of a church?
There are no openings for position of "the leader" since Jesus "ever lives" holding that position. All Christians occupy roles as servants (Mt. 20:20-28).

What sacrifices you made to believe in Christianity?
All believers sacrificed selfish thinking, living to gratify lusts, concern for conformity to worldly peer pressure among losers, a wasted life (Ro. 12:1-2). The faith stands on many supporting evidences, so reason, research and objectivity are strong in true Christianity. It enhances rather than diminishes a person.

How do you know god exists?
See above. ("The fool has said in his heart, There is no God." Ps. 14:1)

How does god contact people?
Your use of present tense requires this answer: God has "called...through our gospel" (the original apostolic message). That's the present tense answer. In human history at critical times God spoke "in the prophets in diverse portions and diverse manners, has at the end of these days spoken unto us in [his] Son.." (Heb. 1:1-4). The ultimate revealer of God's mind, Jesus, has already made "contact." That which He set in place resulted in "the faith which was once for all delivered unto the saints" (Jude 3). God's "new covenant" came, delivered once for all time and in spite of urban legends saying it disappeared or became corrupted, we still have the original gospel message, confirmed by several corroborating extant ancient texts, translations and patristic quotes, etc. So, we see no credible evidence He is chatting with men today in an attempt to redeliver it.

To contact Priest Mary, or the Wasatch church of Christ , please visit the following website:

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