Sunday, May 8, 2011

† Sacred Days †

In this section, we will explain some Sacred Days in Christianity.

* Christmas: 25th December. Celebrate Jesus Christ’s birthday, or when he was born. During the weeks before Christmas Day, people send cards to other people, watch plays about Jesus, go to carol services, put up decorations for homes, churches and Christmas trees, and prepare presents for friends and family. During Christmas day, families woke up very soon to open presents under Christmas tree. Then, they go to church to sing carols and celebrate the birthday (people put on their best clothes). Next, the whole family sit down for Christmas dinner at mid-day and in early evening they have a Christmas Tea. Lastly, at three o'clock in the afternoon, the Queen gives her Christmas Message to the nation which is broadcast on radio and television. At night, people wear King’s paper crown to celebrate Jesus’ birthday party.

* Easter: The date of Easter changes every year, it’s between March and April. Christians celebrate the death and resurrection (coming back to life again, rose from death) of Jesus. It’s the most important Christian festival, and the one celebrated with the greatest joy. Eggs are a major symbol of Easter since they symbolize new life. Crosses are often covered with flowers to symbolize Jesus' victory over death.
- Christians gather together on Easter Sunday on a hill side to see the sun rise. They light a fire outside the church early on Sunday morning using the Paschal candles (celebrate Jesus’ wounds) and maybe (the candles) will be carried into the church for worshiping stuff . Some churches have an Easter Garden: A stone block the mouth of a tomb before Easter day, then rolled away on Easter morning.
- Very famous (especially for kids): Easter Egg Hunt. Small chocolate eggs are hidden for the children to find on the traditional Easter Egg Hunt. Easter Cards: drawing of a rabbit.
- Food: Boiled eggs (breakfast), then Easter cards and gifts may be exchanged. Roast lamb (duck meat, main dish served w/ mint sauce and vegetables). Easter biscuits & Sinnel Cake (dessert).

* Lent: 40 days before Easter to commemorate the 40 days that Jesus spent in a desert w/ no food and water to pray and fasting for the sins human has done. A time for people to think about themselves (personal reflections): what they did over the year, what sins they commit…. and to find ways to improve themselves. Also, during Lent, people try to reduce the amount of food they eat as much as possible because in the past, Jesus doesn’t have food during these 40 days.

* Holy Week: the last week of Jesus' life, people celebrates the victorious deeds that he’s done to save humanity from their sins before he was crucified (kill).
 Maundy Thursday: a day to remember and celebrate about the Last Supper between Jesus with his disciples, when Judas betrayed Jesus.
 Good Friday: A somber and sorrowful day that Jesus was crucified, or died on a cross by the Romans to save people from all their sins, which is the mostly recognized as a symbol of Christianity.
 Palm Sunday: celebrate Jesus’ first entry into Jerusalem. He rode into Jerusalem by a donkey, which is pretty humiliate.
Holy Saturday: The day after Jesus died, where he now rested in a tomb. It is a quiet day of meditation. In many churches during this day, people remember their family and friends who have died, pray for them.

* Ascension Day - when Jesus goes to Heaven.

* Epiphany- 12th day of Christmas. Celebrates the visit of the 3 wise men when Jesus was born in a barn along with Mary.

* Mothering Sunday- Mother’s day when children pay respect to their Mothers by giving their Mothers a gift and a card. This day is to honor and respect what our moms did for us.

* Harvest Day- Celebration to thank God for food/crops grown on the land and all the good things God given to them. We celebrate this day by singing, praying and decorating our churches with baskets of fruit and food

* Pentecost- seven weeks after Resurrection when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit down to comfort, strengthen, and tell Christians to spread Christianity. Then, Christians and missionaries spread Christianity and Jesus’ messages to the world. After that, 3000 more people became Christian in just a day.

By Victor

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