Saturday, May 7, 2011

† Interview #2 †

What's the origin of Christianity?
The name Christian was first given as a mockery to those who believed Jesus when he said that he was the only way the only truth and the only life. Christians are those who believe Jesus is the one true living God.

Why do you follow this religion?
I follow Jesus because I believe Jesus told the truth when he said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

What makes you believe in god?
I believe in God only because God has gifted me with the ability to believe in him. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,” (Ephesians 2:8)

How does the conflict in Jerusalem make you feel?
Sad yet hopeful. Sad because we live in a fallen world (Genesis 3) where conflict and ciaos ensues, people are hut, abused and killed, many of whom don’t know Jesus and as a result will not come to the Father. Hopeful because evil does not win, Jesus will return and evil will be destroyed once and for all. (Mark 12:36; Romans 16:20)

How do you spread Christianity? How do you teach Christianity to others?
God does want us to take part in the spreading of his word and the making of disciples (Matthew 28) but only through grace is Christ’s truth believed and lives saved “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,” (Ephesians 2:8). The way to spread Christianity is to preach and live the word of truth. Whether or not hearts are changed and people not only believe in Christ but walk in him (John 15:4, 16) is up to God (Ezekiel 2:7)

Is there anything you don't believe about Christianity?
No, I’m all in for Jesus (1 Corinthians 15:16-23)

How does Christianity guide people through life?
Christians have a great hope that this is as close to hell as we ever get. Without Christ this fallen, chaotic, destructive, horrible, conflict filled world that was once beautiful and good (Genesis 1-2) but has been destroyed by our sin (Genesis 3) is as close to heaven as you get.
Christians also are blessed by being able to have a relationship with Jesus (the risen King). We don’t have to wait to be in the presence of God we are gifted with his comfort, Joy, peace, grace and mercy now (Galatians 5:22; 2 Thessalonians 2:16).

How did you become the leader of the church?
ultimately God choses those who will lead (Acts 1:24, 9:15).

What are the major differences or similarities between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam?
All people know that they have done something wrong as well as missed the opportunity to do something right at some point in their life. The wrong we do (including are thoughts) and the good we don’t do is called sin because we are going against what God has intend for us. Going against God is like waging war on God the penalty of which is death (Romans 6:23). Sense we have all sinned we have all declared war thus all deserve the penalty. The biggest and most obvious difference between Christianity and all other major religions is what we call substitutionary atonement. Substitutionary atonement is a big way of saying Jesus took are death penalty (Romans 6:23) on the cross, where he conquered Satan, sin and death. Christians are the only ones that have their sin paid for by a savior King. The others are all works based, it is if they say "here, this is what you need to do to clime your way up the holiness ladder so that you will be good enough to get into heaven". Other religions are all about trying to pay off God by doing enough “good”. Sadly some false teachers in Christianity fallow this works based understanding of salvation but it is not what the Bible teaches.

What does god look like?
Christians believe that God is one God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) we do not know what God the Father looks like nor God the Holy Spirit but we can guess at what God the Son looks like basied on the time and place he was born.

Are there any conflicts in your life because you chose to believe in Christianity?
In the worldly scene; not really. In this part of the world the only conflict or persecution Christians have to endure is crass comments, back handed jokes, being ignored and dirty looks. And I don’t even face conflict every day or even every week! However I do not wrestle ageist flesh and blood (Ephesians 6) as a result I am being killed all day long (Romans 8:36).

What do parts church symbolize? (example: the paintings in church, the window pictures symbolize?)
We believe the Church is not a building, rather a people in love with and on mission for Jesus. The Church represents the kingdom of God that is already here but not yet fully reveled.

What are the differences between men and women in Christianity?
Men and woman are both created equal in the image of God. Men are to lead and love their wives as Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5). The men are held responsible to God for the spiritual health maturity of their family in the same way a pastor is for the congregation entrusted to him by Jesus (Colossians 1:22; Ephesians 5).

What if someone wants to quit Christianity, what will you do?
Pray for them. Prayer is what we do in order to talk to God

What if someone wants to follow Christianity, what will you do?
Teach them how to pursue Christ in response to Christ first pursing them.

What's the best way of being the leader of a church?
Well, I am not “the” leader of the Church, Jesus is (Colossians 1:18)

What sacrifices you made to believe in Christianity?
My whole life is devoted to Christ, but whatever gain I had apart from Christ I count as garbage do to the surpassing worth of Christ Jesus, my Lord. (Philippians 3:6-8)

How do you know god exists?
As the famous song goes “Jesus loves me this I know for the bible tells me so”

How does god contact people?
Primarily through the Bible which is the very words of God given to man (2 Timothy 3:16).

To contact Priest Michael or the church, visit the church's website:

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