Sunday, May 8, 2011

† Worship and Prayer †

In this section of this blog, we are going to talk about how Christians worship Jesus and how they pray.

- Christians worship in churches, chapels (small local church), and cathedrals to show respect, praising, serve God, and learn more about their faith.

- Christian spiritual leaders are priests or ministers.

- Since Christians believe God is with them all times, they don’t have to go to church to pray every time. Most Christians pray and worship at home by themselves, or with family.

- Christians mainly worship on Sunday with some special ceremonies and festivals.

- Christian worship involves in praising God by singing holy songs (hymns), giving speeches that concentrate on teaching part of the Bible and Jesus, readings from scriptures and Bible, preaching sermon (moralistic criticism and teachings about the sins of people) by priest, prayers, and various holy ceremonies.

- To Christians, Prayer means to communicate with God by listening and talking. Many Christians believe God ‘talks’ to them, not out loud that they can actually hear, but by giving them a strong feelings through worshiping that they should do something in particular.

- Christians try to pray (talk to God) each morning or evening, wherever is convenient to them. Some families pray out loud together before a meal, or with one person leading the praying while others remain silence.

- For Christians, prayer isn’t just for asking and wishing for things. Christians pray to:
* Praise God for his greatness and love.
* Thanking God for his great gifts such as food, water, and health.
* Confess, admit, and apologize to God for committing sins and wrong acts.
* Asking God to help other people, especially for ones that are sick or in trouble.
* Asking help for your own self.

- Some Christians use prayer books, which they can read out loud or think in their mind to pray. While other Christians simply pray using their own words.

- Jesus taught that, while praying, address God regularly as God the Father, Our Father, or Lord’s Prayer.

- Some churches pray and worship Mary, the mother of God.

- Monks and Nuns: men and women who live their entire life to serve God, spending their lives for praying and studying the Bible, and attend to church every day. Live in the nunnery.

By Victor

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